WiP update 01

Time for a work in progress update! The past year I have set a goal of getting my first chapbook completed by the end of this year (2019). My goal is to have at least 20 poems with some relatively consistent theme, but that's not guaranteed. I have been writing and revising a lot the past few months and so far have about 12 I would consider including. Writing and submitting a lot lately, so hopefully I'll hear back soon on some works.

The tentative title of this small collection is Red Shift and will deal with place, loss, transition (of various kinds), identity, and relationships (of course there will be love and heartache too!).

Will update next month on my progress.

Heron Clan IV

Five of my poems were featured in the newest volume of Poems from the Heron Clan. Now my summer will include several readings promoting this book. The large volume, Poems from the Heron Clan IV includes these poems of mine: a haiku (first line: "Bird soliloquy"), "Displaced", "Dreams of You", "Spirits", and "The Body of Work".

If you would like a copy, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The price is $19.


I attended The 2016 Gathering of Poets hosted by Jacar Press in Winston-Salem, NC. A souvenir anthology was published which included one of my poems. I include it here for you to dissect. :)

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First Publication!

I studied poetry under distinguished poet Lynn Veach Sadler as part of the Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poets Series sponsored by the North Carolina Poetry Society which pairs up student poets with established poets as mentors. In 2015, the series published an anthology of poems from participants which included five of my own writings. Purchase a copy and help support this great project.

The anthology is named Witness: Appalachia to Hatteras and will publish a new volume every year.

My poems included were:

  • "Carolina Sky"
  • "Not an Entrance, Not an Exit"
  • "Old Mason Jar"
  • "Today I Explain"
  • "Why Some Leave".

Purchase from Amazon today!